Windows Azure is the Future

This was the week where Microsoft announced the general availability of Windows Azure Infrastructure as a Service. More than a simple declaration of production-grade availability, Microsoft’s announcement about its IaaS platform delivered the strongest possible elaboration of its intent to compete head to head with Amazon Web Services in the IaaS space to date. MSPs, IT service […]

Massive Data Centers

From Microsoft to Google, Time Warner to Hitachi’s new “Green” data center in Yokohama, Japan, companies have massive data centers that work behind the scenes to deliver the world with the fastest, most energy efficient data processing systems. IBM, for example, operates eight million square feet of data center space on six different continents. Here […]

Hosted Antivirus

Is Your Antivirus Good Enough? Tech Tripp regularly reviews antivirus programs and finds that many do not hold up to the claims that they make. After much searching and testing we found a solution that provides the customer with the lowest total cost of ownership by harnessing the power of the cloud. That solution is […]